Here is a quick guide on using collapsible code blocks in GitHub pages. This might be useful when there is a large output that might be useful only to a few people reading the post.

What are Collapsible Code Blocks?

Markdown (or HTML, to be precise) offers collapsibles: here is an example:

Click this! Here is some more text that was hidden before.

This is created using HTML <details> and <summary> tags.

<details><summary>Click this!</summary>
Here is some more text that was hidden before.

However, by default, you cannot use Markdown syntax inside HTML blocks, so it is not possible to use backticks to add code blocks inside these. Luckily, by setting the parse_block_html option in the Kramdown parser, you can add code blocks in them like this!

Let’s see some code!
print('Hello World!')

Of course, it has to be Hello World, right?

In Kramdown, there is the parse_block_html option. If this option is TRUE, means that the kramdown parser will process the content of block HTML tags as text containing block-level elements. (For more information, read the official Kramdown guide.) We want this option to be enabled to use backticks in collapsibles. There are two ways to enable this: the “safe” way and the “dangerous” way.

Method 1. The “safe”, arduous way

Here is the safe way! In Kramdown, you can set option values inside markdown files.

{::options parse_block_html="true" /}  # Sets parse_block_html option to true
{::options parse_block_html="false" /} # Sets parse_block_html option to false

Thus, we can encapsulate the collapsible code block with these options, and it will render correctly!

{::options parse_block_html="true" /}

<details><summary markdown="span">Let's see some code!</summary>
print('Hello World!')
Of course, it has to be Hello World, right?

{::options parse_block_html="false" /}
Let’s see some code!
print('Hello World!')

Of course, it has to be Hello World, right?

Method 2. The “dangerous”, simple way

Method 1 is great, but we need to add those two lines every time we want to add a collpasible code block. That sounds tiring, can we just have it enabled all the time? Yes!

Of course, one way would be to enable it at every page by adding a single line at the beginning of every file:

{::options parse_block_html="true" /}

An even simpler way to have it enabled by default. Go to _config.yml file, and add these lines (unless they are already there).

markdown: kramdown
  parse_block_html: true

Now it is enabled in every file.

<details><summary markdown="span">Let's see some code!</summary>
print('Hello World!')
Of course, it has to be Hello World, right?
Let’s see some code!
print('Hello World!')

Of course, it has to be Hello World, right?

So, why is this dangerous? Because it might introduce some troublesome situations when you use HTML tags in other ways.

Possible Problem
Suppose that we use two star symbols here **and two more here**. What could go wrong?

Suppose that we use two star symbols here and two more here. What could go wrong?
