he object of the game is to hit as many targets as possible without being shot down or running out of fuel—which can be replenished, paradoxically, by blowing up fuel drums.[19]
There are two fortresses to fly through, with an outer space segment between them. At the end of the second fortress is a boss in the form of the Zaxxon robot.
The player’s ship casts a shadow to indicate its height.[20] An altimeter is also displayed; in space there is nothing for the ship to cast a shadow on.[21] The walls at the entrance and exit of each fortress have openings that the ship must be at the right altitude to pass through. Within each fortress are additional walls that the ship’s shadow and altimeter aid in flying over successfully.
Description from Wikipedia
Performances of RL Agents
We list various reinforcement learning algorithms that were tested in this environment. These results are from RL Database. If this page was helpful, please consider giving a star!
Human Starts
No-op Starts
Normal Starts
Result | Algorithm | Source |
5008.7 | PPO | Proximal Policy Optimization Algorithm |
29.0 | ACER | Proximal Policy Optimization Algorithm |
16.3 | A2C | Proximal Policy Optimization Algorithm |