The Bitter Lesson

What it is

Richard S. Sutton, one of the founding fathers of modern reinforcement learning, wrote a new blog post titled “The Bitter Lesson.” In the post, he argues that “general methods that leverage computation are ultimately the most effective.” Because the computational resources increase as time passes (Moore’s Law), methods that withstand the challenge of time are ones that scales well and can utilize massive amounts of computation.

Thus, Sutton argues that researchers should be wary of seeking to leverage human knowledge into their research, as it often runs counter to leveraging computation. To further illustrate this, Sutton gives Chess, Go, speech recognition and computer vision as examples. Handcrafted evaluation methods and features were popular on early stages of AI in each of these fields, but today’s state of the art methods with superhuman results have discarded such complex methods. “We want AI agents that can discover like we can, not which contain what we have discovered.”

Why it matters

Reinforcement learning is a blooming field: dozens of labs publish new papers every week, claiming an improvement against previous papers. Many of these papers infuse human priors into their methods. This blog post is a nice reminder to researchers choosing research ideas and readers assessing the impact of research.

Renowned researchers also shared their own thoughts about the blog post, which provide further insight of the topic.

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External Resources

The Promise of Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning

What it is

This post by Flet-Berliac summarizes hierarchical RL (HRL) and introduces recent advances in HRL. Hierchical RL uses a hierarchical structure to break down large problem into multiple small problems, allowing agents to solve problems to complex with “flat” RL. Existing HRL algorithms suffer from several defects, performing worse than “flat” RL algorithms in most settings. Still, HRL shows great promise in specific domains with greater sample efficiency and better generalization.

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External Resources

Exploration with Human Feedback

What it is

Researchers at Delft University of Technology developed Probabilistic Merging of Policies (PPMP) as a method to incorporate binary corrective feedback to actor critic algorithms to improve sample efficiency and performance. Environments with simple action space (Pendulum, Mountain Car, and Lunar Lander) is used, and human feedback is selected from three numbers: -1, 0, 1. When the actor’s action deviate a lot from optimal action, PPMP facilitates exploration aggressively, and when the selected action is near optimal, PPMP adds little stochasticity to the action. This allows for a natural curriculum learning setup, and allows the fully trained agent to run independently without human feedback.

Why it matters

Distilling human knowledge can be powerful to the efficiency, performance, and robustness of ML models and RL agents. Imitation learning can work well, but it requires precise trajectories that are hard to obtain. In environments where the action space is simple and optimal action is clear, such feedback-based methods could boost the agent considerably.

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